VSISep 27CommoditiesHow to trace a vessel with a Q88?Q88, Chartering Questionnaire 88, is an industry standard for chartering questionnaires for tanker information used for commercial...
VSIMay 17CommoditiesWhy Marfrig Became The Majority Shareholder of BRFMarfrig Global Foods S.A., a prominent player in the food processing industry, has solidified its position by becoming the majority...
VSIApr 30Commodities中国进口工业盐所需的资料和流程工业盐在工业生产中扮演着重要的角色,它是许多化学反应的必要原料。然而,进口工业盐需要在海关进行一系列的清关操作。本文将详细介绍工业盐进口清关所需的资料和操作流程,以及需要注意的事项。 一、工业盐进口清关所需资料 收发货人备案号:在进行工业盐进口之前,收发货人需要向所在地的检...
VSIApr 4CommoditiesAll about CigarThe Top 25 Cigars of 2023 BEST BUYS OF 2023 Cigar Shapes, Sizes And Colors 10 Things Every Cigar Smoker Should Know
VSIFeb 8CommoditiesUltrafine Isotope Copper PowderUltrafine Copper Powder is produced by gas atomization condensation method with the result of a minimum purity of 99%. it is used to...
VSIJan 5CommoditiesThe FAO Sugar Price Index plunged 16.6% to 134.60 Index Points in December 2023The FAO Sugar Price Index plunged 16.6% to 134.60 Index Points in December 2023, the lowest level in nine months, driven by the strong...
VSISep 27, 2023CommoditiesCommodities May Surge 4000% again?Since mid-2020, Wall Street institutions from Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase to Bank of America have generally believed that the next...
VSIFeb 22, 2023Commodities【天然气】谨防中俄石油天然气贸易骗局随着中俄贸易的日益加深,推动了两国各个领域的深度合作,在有效合作的同时随之而来是各种贸易骗局的衍生,2020年9月22日,中国驻俄罗斯联邦大使馆经济商务处登载一篇《关于防范俄罗斯石油贸易骗局的安全提醒》,以此警醒。本文列出和俄罗斯石油天然气相关的各大公司、俄罗斯出口的油气产...